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Phew! I’ve wanted to offer you this Style Quiz for the longest time. The idea occurred to me years ago but then, as it often happens when running a business, too many other things became important priorities. Still, the style quiz was always in back of my mind. I thought it could be a really fun way to help you get to know our furniture collections and choose favorite styles. So I kept gathering ideas, making notes, collecting images, always hoping to have a chance to one day … offer the style quiz on our site. I began to draft the questio...
Style Quiz Image Gringo Furniture
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Well, I’ve gone and done it! In the past few weeks I have completely re-organized, cleaned, shined up, scented and updated our office and it feels amazing. In the process, I’ve developed a fond appreciation for those trusty pieces of furniture that help us organize paperwork, belongings, office files, furniture fabric samples, as well as all our Mexican furniture catalogs and materials from our Mexico furniture suppliers. With everything in its place and a place for everything, it’s almost like having done a whole space renovation. Now, as I ...
Gringo Furniture Blog Dresser Dogs
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Posted by on in Products
They are here. They have arrived! And we are so excited to share them with you that we needed to dedicate a blog post to them. Here are our Mexican Fiesta Chairs. Yes, I confess, the inspiration for naming them comes from fiestaware colors. But I mean, look at them, they are beautiful and fun! The perfect antidote for the thirst for color many of us develop in the winter months. The variety of colors is so inspiring ... you can have a white all-weather rattan table, a chocolate colored office in Mexico, or a wrought iron Mexican livin...
Gringo Furniture Mexican Fiesta Chairs
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Posted by on in Mexico Living
First snow storm of 2012! Beautiful -- a little impractical for doing business and getting around, but beautiful. That’s what I told my friend on the phone this morning. She replied, “Oh, it’s really bright and sunny here.” Immediately, just hearing that, my day felt warmer. Many of our friends and family go to Mexico when Canada and the U.S. begin to get way too cold. There is so much that brings us to Mexico year after year. So much that calls us, inspires us, make us return to Mexico over and over again. What is it? Well, as you k...
Gringo Furniture Blog Mexican Ceramic Bowls
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Hits: 12843
Happy New Year! Yes, 2012 has now officially arrived. With it comes a desire to make a difference, change something, keep it real, perhaps enjoy life more fully. As a “central operations hub” and foundation to our lives, our home is essential in supporting all our endeavors: personal, social, relational, spiritual. Home/hearth is a huge key to our wellbeing. Here, with our best New Year wishes, are 3 ideas to ready your home so it can support you, your health, your work and your dreams during this amazing year. As the year begins, have l...
Gringo Furniture New Year Blog 2012
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As established on our last post, it is essential as well as a great investment to pay attention to furnishing your Mexican bedroom beautifully and well. The bedroom is a nourishing oasis for you and can be a “piece-de-resistance” for your potential renters in Mexico. In addition to choosing a neutral color palette, keeping things simple and using soothing textures and accents, these four furniture pieces can be the key to your Mexico bedroom’s design success. In Your Mexican bedroom, the Bed runs the show This goes without saying. You ...
Tropical Bedroom Gringo Furniture
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Hits: 14708
If you are visiting our site, chances are you are aware of the special warmth, texture and cozy allure of Mexican furniture. When it comes to bedroom design, the same characteristics that make us love Mexican furniture can also help us build gorgeous bedrooms to nourish our bodies, our minds and our spirit. Mexican bedroom furniture as an afterthought Usually, when deciding what furniture to purchase for their homes or rental property in Mexico, customers give most attention to the common areas -- the areas of the home that visitors wi...
Gringo Mexican furniture bedroom blog
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Posted by on in Mexico Living
I just recently returned from a trip to Mexico. I know there’s ample coverage in the media regarding safety and difficulties for travelers in Mexico. I am happy to report I experienced nothing of the sort. The people in Mexico are friendly as ever, the food is as delicious as ever and the warmth of the country moved my heart just like every other time if not more. Having said that, I am not going to make a blanket statement regarding safety because things can and do happen. The key is in being aware, not taking chances, and exercising common s...
Mexican sun Gringo Furniture
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As the holiday season approaches and the weather gets cooler in Canada and the U.S., many of our customers and friends head to Mexico. Some will spend the holidays in great colonial cities such as Merida, where they will witness the magic local architects have woven to transform a refurbished colonial home.Others will head to beach destinations such as Puerto Angel, Huatulco, Playa del Carmen. Others will opt for the cultural offerings of large Mexican cities such as Guadalajara, Puebla, Cuernavaca. Many will call us for furniture packages or...
Gringo Blog outdoor lounger furniture
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Hits: 11612

Posted by on in Announcements
A few days ago, I noticed, a bit sadly, that the morning light outside my window seemed subdued. It was a beautiful sunny morning, yet the light had a softer, more muted quality. Like autumn light. “Oh, no,” I thought – “Already?” But then I thought of all the great things that come with a new season, including the opportunity to update home and furniture, re-decorate … perhaps even splurge on a new pair of stylish boots! A new season of home furniture and décor, yes, also in Mexico This fall and winter, decorators, magazines and blo...
Decorate Mexico Home with Jewel Tones Gringo Furniture blog
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