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Posted by on in Places in Mexico
A few days back we were very happy to hear that Mexican colonial homes in Merida are selling quite actively again. This is wonderful news because it means people are taking advantage of the great opportunity and prices available right now. It is also wonderful because it means people are not succumbing to the fear and the media hype and instead they are following their own instincts about Mexico. This is a great time to buy in Mexico. The tide is already turning again on the Mexican real estate market and there are amazing deals to be had. We w...
Merida Homes are Selling Mexico
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Posted by on in Announcements
Hi! We are really pleased to be able to share with you our website’s new look ! We hope you will enjoy it, find it easier to navigate and find it full of helpful content. It’s our intention to update the website frequently to share new Mexican furniture pieces, new trends and our general news with you. In the coming months, look for more products and also for a few surprises -- interactive features which we hope will make your Gringo Furniture website experience more fun. We look forward to hearing your comments about the site. We have worked ...
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