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We are already full into the swing of a new year. With busy lives and ever more competing temptations vying for our time, it is more important than ever to have homes where we are recharged, where we are at ease, and where we can be nourished. Furniture plays a huge role in making a home an inviting, serene and comfortable oasis, but other factors also play a part. 1. Be aware of the various rooms in your home and their purpose This would seem quite obvious, but sometimes it is not. For example, if your bedroom is where you rest, recharge a...
Gringo Furniture January 2014 Blog
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Yes, the kitchen is the heart of your Mexican home. Do you remember the beautiful onion slicing scene in the movie “Like Water for Chocolate?” I do. It seems to me that any memories that involve food and kitchens are always more vivid. It makes perfect sense: they are accompanied by flavor, color, textures, aromas all of which makes them more evocative and powerful. Building a great Mexican kitchen When considering your furniture choices in Mexico, do pay close and special attention to your kitchen. Not only is it the heart of your Mexican...
Gringo Furniture Kitchen Blog
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Hits: 11275
Last year a record number of friends and family came to see us and stayed with us. It was wonderful to have a chance to catch up, share meals, show them around and reconnect in a relaxed and cozy environment rather than in a hotel, for example. We gave lots of thought to the needs, wants and wishes of each house guest in order to make sure they were comfortable and at ease. We know how amazing it can be to have a restful and nourishing place to land especially when one is traveling and away from home. Certain Mexican furniture pieces are id...
Gringo Furniture Blog Post Jan 2013
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Hard to believe it is already December 2012. As we celebrate the closing of a year and the end of this cycle, we have so much to be grateful for: the opportunity to be alive, to be well, to be working with passion and joy, and to have many friends, colleagues and customers who make it all worthwhile every single day. It's time for celebrating and for honoring all that we have shared and received. In Mexico, during feast times, people hang ornaments (see above) at the entrance of their homes. Some are made of dried flowers, or ribbons or s...
Gringo Furniture holiday blog 2012
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That special outdoor furniture allure We are now in the full swing of summer in the States and Canada and I am personally loving every opportunity to sit outdoors whether at a cafe, a friend's patio, or our own terrace. This season I have acquired an even deeper appreciation for the beauty, durability and comfort of outdoor furniture. Using great outdoor furniture to extend your home Those environments we create outdoors can be gorgeous extensions of our homes. If we make our patios, pool areas and terraces comfortable, fun, elegant, and soo...
Outdoor Options Gringo Furniture Blog
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Mexico is a beautiful country with oh sooo much to offer to the eco-traveler, the gourmand, the investor, the artist, the history buff, the entrepreneur. Americans and Canadians flock to Mexico for the climate, the pace of life, the opportunities. Expats buy Mexican homes, soak up the culture, set up investment rental properties, open new businesses. One of the things that can get in the way of enjoying Mexico from day one can be fear. Audrey Royem knows this. She has set up a wonderful company to assist expats in Mexico. Based in Sayulita, Na...
Gringo Furniture Expat Blog Audrey International
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Happy New Year! Yes, 2012 has now officially arrived. With it comes a desire to make a difference, change something, keep it real, perhaps enjoy life more fully. As a “central operations hub” and foundation to our lives, our home is essential in supporting all our endeavors: personal, social, relational, spiritual. Home/hearth is a huge key to our wellbeing. Here, with our best New Year wishes, are 3 ideas to ready your home so it can support you, your health, your work and your dreams during this amazing year. As the year begins, have l...
Gringo Furniture New Year Blog 2012
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As established on our last post, it is essential as well as a great investment to pay attention to furnishing your Mexican bedroom beautifully and well. The bedroom is a nourishing oasis for you and can be a “piece-de-resistance” for your potential renters in Mexico. In addition to choosing a neutral color palette, keeping things simple and using soothing textures and accents, these four furniture pieces can be the key to your Mexico bedroom’s design success. In Your Mexican bedroom, the Bed runs the show This goes without saying. You ...
Tropical Bedroom Gringo Furniture
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Hits: 14710

Posted by on in Mexico Living
I just recently returned from a trip to Mexico. I know there’s ample coverage in the media regarding safety and difficulties for travelers in Mexico. I am happy to report I experienced nothing of the sort. The people in Mexico are friendly as ever, the food is as delicious as ever and the warmth of the country moved my heart just like every other time if not more. Having said that, I am not going to make a blanket statement regarding safety because things can and do happen. The key is in being aware, not taking chances, and exercising common s...
Mexican sun Gringo Furniture
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A few days ago, I noticed, a bit sadly, that the morning light outside my window seemed subdued. It was a beautiful sunny morning, yet the light had a softer, more muted quality. Like autumn light. “Oh, no,” I thought – “Already?” But then I thought of all the great things that come with a new season, including the opportunity to update home and furniture, re-decorate … perhaps even splurge on a new pair of stylish boots! A new season of home furniture and décor, yes, also in Mexico This fall and winter, decorators, magazines and blo...
Decorate Mexico Home with Jewel Tones Gringo Furniture blog
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