I love it! A song about Mexican Furniture from the Ottawa Farmer's Market
When I found this on my email Inbox, I thought it too perfect to be true. Come on! A song about Mexican furniture? Live from a Canadian Farmer's Market? But it is true, and it is beautiful to see t...
The Shoeshine Artisan
When you travel in Mexico, you come to realize not only that Mexico has many great artisans, but that Mexico overall is an artisan culture. Throughout this great country, you see how a large porti...
Planning your Mexican Furniture Options
Going to Mexico in the next few months? So the time may be getting closer for your next visit to Mexico. It may be the spring or early summer of 2014 and we have a “pretty please” request ...
5 Steps to Furnishing a Great Kitchen in Mexico
Yes, the kitchen is the heart of your Mexican home. Do you remember the beautiful onion slicing scene in the movie “Like Water for Chocolate?” I do. It seems to me that any memories that invo...
Helping Expats in Mexico to Acclimate, Enjoy, Thrive
Mexico is a beautiful country with oh sooo much to offer to the eco-traveler, the gourmand, the investor, the artist, the history buff, the entrepreneur. Americans and Canadians flock to Mexic...
Why do We Love Mexico?
First snow storm of 2012! Beautiful -- a little impractical for doing business and getting around, but beautiful. That’s what I told my friend on the phone this morning. She replied, “Oh, it...
Mexican Furniture Helps Make your Bedroom a Nourishing Oasis
If you are visiting our site, chances are you are aware of the special warmth, texture and cozy allure of Mexican furniture. When it comes to bedroom design, the same characteristics that mak...
Is Mexico Safe?
I just recently returned from a trip to Mexico. I know there’s ample coverage in the media regarding safety and difficulties for travelers in Mexico. I am happy to report I experienced nothing...

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