Cancun Furniture - Coastal Style

Our Cancun Coastal furniture line pays homage to the town that brought tourism to all of Mexico
Would you believe it? In the Maya language, the word Cancun means “nest of snakes.” Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that prior to 1970, when the area began to be developed for tourism, Cancun had only 3 official residents. You’d never know it when you visit this bustling part of Mexico today. Beginning in 1970, the Mexican government actually funded the first 9 hotels in Cancun, in an effort to bring tourism to Mexico. Safe to say that the effort was an absolute, resounding success. Before being developed, Cancun was just a small sand barrier. Sand, sun and water are a few of the things I think of when I look at the gorgeous casual pieces in our Cancun Coastal Mexican furniture collection.
But I digress, nowadays, aside from the gorgeous sand (made of crushed coral) and blue waters, Cancun also offers a thriving business climate, amazing adventure opportunities (for example diving the Great Maya Barrier Reef and exploring cenotes). Experts say that ultimately the allure of Cancun is primarily its beaches. Still, many Canadians and Americans love Cancun’s nightlife, and the fact that if offers something for everyone. No shortage of things to do.
Here’s a little Cancun wisdom for when you are in this part of Mexico
When you visit, make sure you also set time aside to see the “real” Cancun and to mingle with its locals. Go to the downtown area. There you can explore traditional Mexican cuisine and perhaps chat with locals about their love of Cancun and how they’ve seen it change in the past 30-50 years. And, if you are smitten by Cancun and you are furnishing a rental property or home for yourself here, by all means let us know. We are your one stop shop when it comes to furnishing your home in Mexico. We get your wish list, have the furniture built, and coordinate delivery for you. In the case of the Cancun Coastal series, we have beds, dressers, and consoles all in the rustic coastal style so many love. We look forward to working with you to help you furnish your Mexican dream home easily and with panache.